At Oak Lane Cleaning we understand the complexity of hoarding and we know that we need to deal with it sensitively. We will deal with the process from start to finish. We carefully assess the situation, form a plan and arrange for the correct removal of the waste. Once we have a clear home we can begin to clean and disinfect.

• Once we have received your call we can complete a free site survey to assess the situation and provide you with a quote for our services and any other services you may need i.e. pest control
• We will help identify which items should be kept, which should be donated or recycled and those that need to be thrown away.
• Any confidential documents that aren’t required will be shredded
• We will arrange for the correct removal of items not needed.
• We will thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire home.
• We will neutralise all unpleasant odours.

Often with a hoarding situation there are hygiene issues that need to be addressed. When items build up to unmanageable levels, it is impossible to carry out every day cleaning tasks in the home. Homes can then become highly unsanitary. Bathrooms and kitchens are often the most problematic areas. If there is a need for pest control to attend then we can refer you to a company to complete that.

Why A Hoarder Clean Up May Be Required:

• Someone with mental health issues may be struggling to keep on top of the cleaning and likes to keep items of significance to them.
• The hospital discharge team/Social Worker may need to arrange a clean up before a resident can move back home.
• A relative has died leaving an unmanageable amount of items to be cleared from a home.
• A family member or friend who is concerned about someone and needs some help.
• You yourself may be aware that there is an issue in your home that you require assistance with.
• Someone with a physical disability may struggle to keep things clean and tidy.

There are so many reasons why people hoard and homes become unmanageable. We don’t judge anyone, we are just here to help get the home back on track. Safety is our priority and all of our technicians will wear full personal protective equipment (PPE).

If the hoarding is in your home or in someone else’s please give us a call on 01832 579007 or pop us an enquiry here. We will happily talk through any questions or concerns you may have.