We’ve had more calls from estate agents asking us to fix the damage caused by a tenant who had helpfully cleaned the carpets with a hired machine than we’ve had hot dinners!
Hired machines and those you can buy from shops are good at putting the water and detergent down but not great at removing it. If too much shampoo is used then you might FEEL like it’s doing a good job but it’s leaving lots of soap suds and leaves a residue behind. When too much water is left behind, not only are the carpets left really wet but they’ll also start to smell and the underlay will also be wet and may begin to break apart.
With a professional carpet cleaner like OLC Cleaning, your carpets are in the hands of a professional; we use a very powerful machine (800 psi in fact) which delivers professional stain removing products but it also removes the water and detergent from the carpet. We also have specialist tools to get into corners which you can’t do with a hired machine. We can even clean furniture and upholstery too! Our machine leaves carpets will be clean and dry within a couple of hours.
The secret to professional carpet cleaning is the hot water extraction system. Our specialist equipment removes dirt, shampoo residue and water from carpets so they stay cleaner for longer. It also removes allergens and little critters like fleas.
We’ve spent hours perfecting our craft and we know just how to get that stain out. Our experience, knowledge and effort means that we really are the people for the job.